Cwblhau Gwiriad Diogelwch Lleoliad

  • Sylwch y dylid llenwi ffurflen gwirio diogelwch lleoliad cyn pob digwyddiad Caffi Trwsio.
  • Os ydych yn ansicr am unrhyw un o'r isod, gofynnwch i'ch prif wirfoddolwr neu cysylltwch â ni gan ddefnyddio

Gwiriad Diogelwch Lleoliad


Rhaid i wirfoddolwr dynodedig lenwi'r ffurflen hon.

"*" indicates required fields

Conducted by*
This field is hidden when viewing the form
Is there a qualified PAT tester present?*
Are other areas staffed with suitable personnel?*
Are extension leads taped down to prevent trip hazards?*
Are extension leads and fixer electrical items PAT tested?*
Have folding tables been secured and made stable?*
Are chairs safe for use?*
Are emergency exits unblocked?*
Any power saws/drills if used have guards fitted?*
Café food/drink –confirm this is staffed by appropriate personnel.*
Confirm front desk is in position and staffed*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.