We have amazing people in the Repair Cafe Wales Family

As part of a series on getting to know our volunteers, we’ve set a series of questions and our amazing volunteers have answered them ‘virtually’ for us.

Next up in the series is our Ambassador, Grant

Q. What is your name, when did you start volunteering with Repair Cafe Wales and in what capacity (role / skill)?

A. Grant Cockerill, fixer at a few repair cafés and Senior Training Officer in my ambassadorial role.

Q. Why did you decide to volunteer with Repair Cafe Wales?

A. Big value match – I’ve always fixed things and liked the idea of doing the same for others. The crew at the Splott and Cathays repair cafés are warm, interesting and from every corner of the globe and I like that.

Q. What do you like best about Repair Cafe Wales?

A. Saturday mornings were just great – meeting the other repairers/public and getting a real buzz going. The sense of community is as important to me as the fixing.

Q. What is your favourite part of volunteering with us?

A. As above, Saturday mornings in the two repair cafés in Cardiff. With COVID that face to face time is very different and I really miss it but have delivered some Zoom training to new and existing repair cafés and enjoy a different type of connection.

Q. What do you think the repair café events do for the community?

A. I’d answer that in three areas – divert waste from landfill, save people money and strengthen communities. Each area is symbiotic! Hope you get what I mean – they support each other.

Q. Have you gained any skills from the experience?

A. Delivering training and facilitation sessions online!

Q. How does volunteering with Repair Cafe Wales make you feel?

A. Really, really, good and I miss Saturday mornings (did I say that already!)

Q. Would you recommend volunteering for Repair Cafe Wales? Why?

A. Yes – I’d say there’s so much to be gained – all three of my kids volunteer and there’s a role for everyone whether you fix or not. I’d go further and say volunteering at repair cafés makes a huge difference to people’s mental health and self-esteem and I include myself in that.