We have amazing people in the Repair Cafe Wales Family
As part of a series on getting to know our volunteers, we’ve set a series of questions and our amazing volunteers have answered them ‘virtually’ for us.
Next up in the series is our Board Director, Jemin
Q. What is your name, when did you start volunteering with Repair Cafe Wales and in what capacity (role / skill)?
A. Jemin Popat, I joined as a board director in April 2020.
Q. Why did you decide to volunteer with Repair Cafe Wales?
A. Previously I have volunteered, as well as carried out business and personal mentorship – all of which I found very rewarding. I liked the Repair Cafe Wales concept and felt I could add value to the organisation.
Q. What do you like best about Repair Cafe Wales?
A. My business experience is often in start up, early-stage organisations. Although Repair Cafe Wales have been running for a few years they have many characteristics similar to a start-up, huge passion, energy, drive, vision but they now need to go through some “growing pains” to get to the next level. Having been through this transition several times I feel well placed to help them at this time in their growth. I also care a lot about the environment and the sustainability of the way we live. I completely believe in our goals at Repair Cafe Wales.
Q. What is your favourite part of volunteering with us?
A. The energy and passion each person has in the team, I thrive on this passionate energy.
Q. What do you think the repair café events do for the community?
A. I think it allows people to come together and to allow people with skills to be valued in their community. I think offering a repair service also gets people to think about the local community environment in a way they may not have before.
Q. Have you gained any skills from the experience?
A. Absolutely. My experience is mainly in the private sector, this role is opening my eyes to the not for profit sector and also contributing to an organisation where the primary motive is more than just profit.
Q. How does volunteering with Repair Cafe Wales make you feel?
A. Fantastic, it can sometimes be tiring alongside my business and other commitments but I feel I’m adding value and also growing as a person.
Q. Would you recommend volunteering for Repair Cafe Wales? Why?
A. Yes, 100%. Our team rocks, and our energy is infectious!