We have some pretty amazing people in the Repair Cafe Wales Family

As part of a new initiative we will be running a series on getting to know our volunteers. We’ve set a series of questions and our amazing volunteers have answered them ‘virtually’ for us.

Next up in the series is Moya, Fishguard & Goodwick.

Q: What is your name, which repair café location do you volunteer at and what’s your role / skill?

A: I’m Moya and have joined in with the repair gang at the Remakery at Fishguard on 3 occasions but have not been as busy with clothing or other fabric repairs. So here is my opportunity to spread the word that we can fix your clothes at the Fishguard and Goodwick Repair Café! It’s so much better to have a tiny repair done than let it grow into an enormous maybe impossible one.

Moya Volunteer Wales

Q: Tell us a bit more about yourself;

A: I’ve used charity shops for many years and before fabric became a bit pricey in the 70s I made my own clothes.  I Have also restructured many a pair of curtains – make do and mend was a necessary motto for many years and now I just think we should try and use what we have.

Recently I’ve joined the ‘upcycling’/’waste busting’ group at Transition Bro Gwaun and have made 3 bags from old pairs of jeans and the little girls ‘gilets’ pictured from strips of t-shirt knitted on big needles.  I am also now making ‘a mile of bunting’ out of waste fabric to be hung once we are free again.  Initially it was to highlight and get a conversation going about the problem with waste and the not so sustainable fashion industry. 

Q: What have you been doing to pass the time in lockdown?

A: Just before the Remakery had to close temporarily I’d also purchased a Food Processor and my husband a hedge trimmer which are both getting a lot of use.